After 3 months of preparation and creative ideas, it all came down to the final details and timing which made everything run smoothly. The party was changed from the original date of April 10th to April 17th. It was good because I needed the extra week to get a few more things together.
Tammy arrived with Haley on Friday night. I had a crock pot cooking with Chili which they enjoyed. Saturday Karen and Sarah arrived around 3:30. Sarah was wearing a cute festive dress. Tammy and Haley also got into the Mexican fiesta spirit with their outfits. I had decorated the house on Thursday and set the table. Friday I cleaned house and gathered my recipes. On Saturday I pretty much had everything done except for the final details. I made the Margaritas in the morning and froze a batch. The mexican music was playing when Chris and Pam arrived. Yes, we were off to a very good start. Chris and Pam were also wearing outfits that fit right into our theme.We had a few margaritas and ate chips, cheese and homemade salsa. It was time to play the yarn game. That was actually a lot of fun. Sarah liked the web we made as we tossed the yarn across the room while saying 5 things we knew about the person we tossed the yarn to. We held onto the end before tossing so the web was interesting. Haley did her own thing with the red yarn as we played the game. She had it all wrapped around her neck. Of course we kept an eye on that situation. She was having fun, the new Haley style, wrap everything around the neck.
We then played the picture game. I took a picture of Panchita before she was completed. I then asked all the senoras and senoritas to study Panchita very well. I then removed Panchita from the room and gave them each paper and pen. I gave them the picture of Panchita and asked them to write down what was missing. Chris won the guessing game. She guessed 16 items. I was in the kitchen preparing our dinner. I heated the spanish rice I had cooked earlier and put the chicken enchiladas into the oven while they played the picture game. I also boiled some corn. Dinner was delicious. Sarah asked to take home the left overs. We didnt have room for chili or dessert. As I cleaned the kitchen everyone made their way to the jaccuzi/pool. I joined them for a few minutes and then we got into our jammies to watch Alvin and the Chip Munks movie. I made a chocolate fondue and cut up some fruit. This was enjoyed by everyone. Haley went to sleep around 8:15. Tammy around 9:30 and the rest of us stayed up until 1:30 am, including Sarah. Staying up is part of the party so we couldnt expect her to go to bed early.
I gave the girls their gift earlier so they could wear their socks if they wanted to also the bracelet I made for them. They liked the wooded hook with their first name initial. Sarah and Haley received the handmade mexican dolls I made for them.
I got up early Sunday morning, 5:30 to be exact, to finish cleaning the kitchen and set the table for breakfast. One by one they got up. Around 9:30 am Tammy was making her special southwest omlets for everyone, which was great. By mid day, I must admit I was getting a little tired, but I mustered up the energy to do the happy face pinata with Sarah. Haley was asleep so she missed out on this. She took hers home. I also shared with them the Youtube video of the dog dancing salsa. This was to be our salsa instructor. They all liked that. For lunch I served the chili and the dessert we did not eat on Saturday. Flan, fruit jello and tres leche cake. Tammy had to leave by 1:30 so off she, Haley and Sarah went. Karen stayed to help with the clean up. Chris and Pam stayed for a little while longer. The three left around 3pm. Before they left we drew from three names, Pam, Karen and Tammy to see who would host the party next year. Tammy's name was picked. Pam suggested Panchita should be our mascot. It was fine with Panchita.
The party was a huge success. I know because I was exhausted but felt very happy that everyone had a great time. Adios Amigas, Until next year.